Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I have been wanting this day to just end so that it can be tomorrow already! Tomorrow is the day Ethan and I have been looking forward to for awhile now. It seems like it has been forever since Ethan and I have taken a trip anywhere. Tomorrow we are going to California for Zack and Alexas wedding in the Newport Beach Temple. I am so happy for them. It is going to be absolutely beautiful. Also E and I will be going to D-Land! The last time we were there Ethan proposed to me. Cant believe that it has been over a year since then. We are beyond excited. Disneyland is my favorite place on earth! I cant even count how many times I have been probably twenty or so and it still never gets old. Anyway We are pretty excited. Tomorrow come faster please.

I was looking at our pictures from a year ago...so much has changed. Ethan and I look so different!

 This will be our first trip to D-land being married. Cant wait!

1 comment:

  1. ooooh! so exciting! have fun!! i know the hubby and i haven't gone anywhere since our honeymoon and it's been 2.5 years. in october, we are heading to jamaica and i couldn't be more excited! yayyyy! xoxo <3 Lindsey of Ruby Girl {{www.rubygirlblog.com}}
