Saturday, June 25, 2011


I love surprises and I love my husband. I swear no one does surprises as good as him. When I was in Mesa helping my mom out Ethan was at home in Thatcher working. It was our first time being away from each other overnight since being married and I admit it was difficult. We had talked on the phone and he said he was happy that I was away for a couple of days so that he could actually surprise me with something he has been planning. So it came time to go home and  as we were pulling into our backyard I saw that Ethan had gotten me a lounge chair that I could layout on. It was just what I needed! I had been wanting to layout and get a tan in the mornings but I didn't have anything to lay on except a towel and the last time I did that a lizard ran across my face... Anyway I was just so happy that he had took the time to surprise me with something I really wanted. But the surprises are not over... what do you need when laying out in the sun?? A hat, sunglasses,water, sunblock, and a ................NOOK!!!! Thats right my husband got me the new Nook Color!! Best surprise EVER! He is so great! I love him so much!Ever since then I have been reading books on my Nook like crazy! And the people who say you cannot read the Nook in sunlight you are WRONG! It works perfect in the sun. Ah I am so grateful to have the most wonderful husband in the world...he spoils me way too much!
My new lounge chair

The new Nook Color
Me and my new Nook!

The cute case that I bought for my Nook from Etsy!


  1. hummph...

    I gave Colette a little Nook-E last week.

    Nice post KA. Your newlywed talk is so cute.

  2. aw! how sweet--Mac probly won't get me one of those for awhile, I neglect him enough already for paper books:P
