Tuesday, September 13, 2011

comfort zone

Sometimes I need a little push to do something out of my comfort zone. I think I care too much of what people think of me. I guess I take after my dad in that way. My mom is the outgoing one who wont be afraid to take something back to the store even if you don't have the receipt, tags, and has been used a hundred times. None of us children took after our mom in that way except Brandon. I wish I had that quality..no offense dad :) I wish I was braver at times.I wish I didn't care what people thought about me...but I do and it bugs me! Well today I went out of my comfort zone.... not to my liking though....thanks to my husband. Agh I guess since I am the type to not take charge I have to have a husband that will help me in that area.

OK so here is the story. I have a bug that is automatic. Ethan has a small car that is stick shift. It has always bugged me that I have never been able to drive his car because I have never been taught to drive stick. So every night for the past week Ethan has been my driving instructor (a very good one at that) and has taught me to drive stick! I am actually really good and finally have it down. The only hard part is we live in Thatcher AZ where every centimeter it feels like there is a four way stop. I am not the best yet at making the car go without stalling it and those four way stops just kill me! But like I said Ethan takes me at night where the streets are empty and I don't have to worry about other cars distracting me. I have told Ethan that I don't want to drive in daylight especially since we live by the college where there is tons of college kids around and tons of traffic! Well this morning I woke up, got ready for school, went to grab my keys off of our key hook and noticed mine were gone! I looked everywhere but I knew I hung them up..I always do! So I went outside to check my car and it was gone too! My stinkin husband had taken my car so the only way I had to get to school was by using his car! He totally set me up! I contemplated about walking in the hundred degree weather but I knew I would end up being late. So I grabbed his keys, which he had already put in my bag, and headed out the door. He had nicely backed the car in so that I didnt have to back it out. I hate backing up. I was so angry that he had this all set up.... right as I was about to start the car I got a text message from the one and only....it was my husband. He said "Hope you have a good time in class babe!" I was so pissed and didn't bother to text him back. I needed to concentrate on the task ahead of me. Getting the car started. I turned it on and started to slowly accelerate. DANG it stalled... I haven't even gotten out of the parking space. I took a breath and calmed myself down and started it again. I got all the way to school without freaking out and was doing pretty good. Then the four way stops came. As I was heading up to the stop I looked around and was relieved to see that no cars were coming to the stop. Just my luck..as I started to stop and put the gear back into first tons of cars pulled up behind me! I start to freak out again.... I was worrying that they were thinking all these things about me... I was waiting too long at the stop sign..like I said it takes me awhile to start the car back up again. I hurriedly start going and nicely head straight through the four way stop. I pull into the parking lot and park in my parking spot. I DID IT! I was so proud of myself. I felt like I could conquer anything after that!

I went to class and sat down smiling from ear to ear. After a few minutes it wore off and then my stomach dropped. I am going to have to do this ALL over again after class! That's all I thought about the entire class period. I did great on the way home! Didn't stall once. I might have looked like a maniac but I did it! I would like to thank my husband for making me go out of my comfort zone and face my fears. I am so grateful to have someone who knows me better than I do and knows that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Thank you babe for believing in me and giving me that push that I needed. I am slowly on my way to not caring so much of what people think of me.


  1. Ouch.

    First off...taking a 6-year-old crock pot back to Walmart when you originally purchased it at Target, just because they have the same one on their shelf, well...that is just WRONG. If mom does this one more time, she may be lucky to make it to the Terrestrial kingdom.

    Secondly, I think Ethan loves driving around in your ghey green bug... He should be grounded not have an entire post dedicated to him.

    Thirdly, I care about people...not so much what they think about me... I just care. Sue me.


  2. Oh, and I forgot to say that I'm proud of you for learning to drive a stick...



  3. i drive a stick shift car and it was so so so SO hard for me to get used to. My dad did the same sort of trick to me, forcing me to drive my car to work everyday. I would stall at almost every light, but after about a week, i could finally get all the way to and from work without stalling, and now i feel so grateful to know how to drive a manual car! :)

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!
